Dr. Andy Wakefield presents Moms Know the Truth

Dr. Wakefield, an award-winning and critically acclaimed director, producer and filmmaker, speaks to a mother’s instincts, the choice and consequences, and unveils truth in his recent series, A Mother’s Journey, Moms Know The Truth. We hope those unfamiliar will view our interview and take in Dr. Andy’s most recent film, 1986 The Act which exposes the truth behind the 1986 National Childhood Vaccine Injury Compensation program and the vaccine makers who have immunity from prosecution.

“We just put our trust into the people who are supposed to know more than we do about the health of our children and that mistake cost our daughter her life.” - Rishanne Golden 

“Some connection between her and my daughter, some indivisible connection, led her to know that there was danger, where it was, and she was there, literally, within a split second of it being a complete catastrophe. And that’s what i’m talking about. And that doesn’t demand logic or objectivity, that just is. And that’s something I've seen so many times in clinical practice and it’s true. It’s real and we have to believe in it”. - Dr. Andy Wakefield

“It never crossed my mind that a vaccine, that was supposed to keep healthy children healthy, would ever, in a million years, be able to brain damage or kill them.” - Barbara Loe Fisher

“I went to a lecture that was about the meningococcal vaccine, and for every life saved from meningococcus, 7 children were killed (from the vaccine). It was a very clear calculation that wouldn’t have included Haleigh because she succumbed sometime out from a complication from the complication (vaccine induced seizure).” - Dr. Andy Wakefield